CSA Crime Reporting Skip to main content

CSA Crime Reporting

If you are a campus security authority (CSA) and you need to report a Clery Act crime, report that here:

If you are a CSA and you need to report an emergency within BYU’s Clery geography, contact BYU Police or other relevant local law enforcement immediately. Submit your CSA crime report here afterward.

Who Reports—All CSAs

Each CSA who receives notice that a Clery Act crime allegedly has occurred within BYU’s Clery geography timely must report that Clery Act crime to the university via the CSA Crime Report Form.

If a CSA assumes but does not know the crime already has been reported to law enforcement or via the CSA Crime Report Form, that CSA still must report the crime via the CSA Crime Report Form. The university uses all information provided to identify duplicate reports and compile accurate statistics.

What to Report—All alleged Clery Act crimes that occur within BYU's Clery geography

Clery Act crimes are allegations of the following crimes occurring within BYU’s Clery geography:

  • Stalking
  • Dating violence
  • Domestic violence
  • Rape
  • Fondling
  • Incest
  • Statutory Rape
  • Arson
  • Motor vehicle theft
  • Burglary
  • Aggravated assault
  • Robbery
  • Manslaughter by negligence
  • Murder/Non-negligent manslaughter
  • Weapon, drug, or alcohol law violations

Clery Act crimes also include allegations of

  • larceny-theft
  • simple assault
  • intimidation
  • destruction, damage, or vandalism of property
  • other crimes involving bodily injury to any person

that allegedly occurred within BYU’s Clery geography if the crime may have been motivated by an offender’s bias against the victim’s or victims’

  • disability
  • ethnicity
  • gender
  • gender identity
  • national origin
  • race
  • religion
  • sexual orientation

If a CSA is uncertain about whether a given allegation constitutes a Clery Act crime or whether an allegation of a Clery Act crime has occurred within BYU’s Clery geography, the CSA must report the allegation.

For questions about Clery Act crimes, refer to BYU’s CSA training or email clery@byu.edu.

When to Report—ASAP!

A CSA must report a Clery Act crime via the CSA Crime Report Form as soon as the CSA receives notice of a Clery Act crime. Prompt notification allows the university to issue a timely warning or emergency notification, if necessary.