Faculty Policies Skip to main content

Faculty Policies

BYU policies tell university community members how to do what they want to do and—when necessary—what they aren’t authorized to do.

While BYU faculty commit to adhering to all applicable university policies (see the Church Educational System Honor Code), here are the Integrity & Compliance Office’s picks for the ten policies that most commonly apply to faculty, in alphabetical order:

Top Ten Policies for Faculty

  1. Academic Freedom Policy
  2. Access to Student Records Policy
  3. Accommodation of Persons with Disabilities Policy and Procedures
  4. Animals on Campus Policy
  5. Copyright Policy
  6. Guidelines for Selecting and Teaching Literary and Visual Materials at BYU Policy
  7. Nondiscrimination and Equal Opportunity Policy and Discrimination Complaint Procedures
  8. Rank and Status Policy
  9. Required Texts and Instructional Materials Policy
  10. Sexual Harassment Policy

Being familiar with these policies will help faculty thoughtfully and successfully participate in the BYU community.

The following policies are also frequently referred to by faculty:

Other Top Policies for Faculty

For a complete list of BYU policies, visit policy.byu.edu.

Have a question about a policy? Contact the policy’s responsible office (identified on the left side of each policy’s individual webpage).

Want to suggest a policy addition? What if you think another existing BYU policy needs to be added to one of these lists? Maybe you think BYU needs an additional policy or a new or revised provision to one of BYU’s existing policies? Contact the Integrity & Compliance Office (ICO) at compliance@byu.edu. We’d love to hear from you!